Bulkfilechanger.BulkFileChanger: Change File Attributes In Bulk


Downloading the Utility.Download BulkFileChanger

Jan 06,  · BulkFileChanger is a small utility that allows you to create a file list from multiple folders and make changes to them. BulkFileChanger permits you to modify the created/modified/accessed time, change their file attributes (Read-Only, Hidden, System), run an executable with these files as a parameter, and copy/cut/paste into Explorer.4/5(12). Apr 07,  · BulkFileChanger is a free and portable application with one simple task: to modify the attributes of a file or a list of files. The app functions with any type of file visible to the Windows operating system, and with that, you can change the time and date attributes of any file/5(9). Jul 14,  · BulkFileChanger is another useful application from NirSoft which lets you change multiple attributes and meta information of all sorts of files which mainly includes; Last access, Modified, Created date, etc. It comes useful especially to keep track on files having different dispersed attributes by allowing user to edit files’ ted Reading Time: 2 mins.

Bulkfilechanger.How To Change Created or Modified Timestamps for Files and Folders

Jan 06,  · BulkFileChanger is a small utility that allows you to create a file list from multiple folders and make changes to them. BulkFileChanger permits you to modify the created/modified/accessed time, change their file attributes (Read-Only, Hidden, System), run an executable with these files as a parameter, and copy/cut/paste into Explorer.4/5(12). May 16,  · BulkFileChanger is described as 'small utility that allows you to create files list from multiple folders, and then make some action on them - Modify their created/modified/accessed time'. There are more than 10 alternatives to BulkFileChanger for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Windows Explorer, Thunderbird, Opera and Flock. Jul 14,  · BulkFileChanger is another useful application from NirSoft which lets you change multiple attributes and meta information of all sorts of files which mainly includes; Last access, Modified, Created date, etc. It comes useful especially to keep track on files having different dispersed attributes by allowing user to edit files’ ted Reading Time: 2 mins. http://newsfromhomenvupus3.blogspot.com/2021/06/dynex-drivers.htmlhttp://newsfromhomenvupus3.blogspot.com/2021/06/dynex-drivers.html

related: Results for "bulk file changer"Download BulkFileChanger: Download BulkFileChanger - Hassle-Free Downloads Bulk File Changer - CNET Download

Main Page. BulkFileChanger v1. NK2 of Microsoft Outlook. Both bit and bit systems are supported. You can still watch an old file date using other file managers like 7-zip, using BulkFileChanger utility, or by right-clicking on the file and choosing 'Properties'. If you want to set an old date for. Versions History Version 1. Version 1. This feature works on Windows 7 and later. If you have bit system, this feature may work improperly with the bit version of BulkFileChanger, so you should use the bit version of BulkFileChanger.

In previous versions, BulkFileChanger didn't display these dates in order to be compatible with Windows Explorer Added 'Modified-Created Time Difference' column, which displays the time difference in hours:minutes:seconds. This time difference might be interesting in some circumstances. For example: If you download a new file from the Internet, the file is created at the moment you start to download it, and its modified time is set to the time that the last byte was written to the file.

Added bit build. The order of the files is determined according to the column you click. For example, you can copy the modified time into the created time or the created time into the modified time and accessed time Version 1. You can add a folder by dragging it from Explorer or by adding it with 'Add By Wildcard' feature and 'Add Folders' option turned on. Added 'File Extension' column. When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line.


In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - BulkFileChanger. You can also modify the attributes of the files, like Read-Only, Hidden, and so on. Execute Command On Selected Files F7 : Allows you to run any executable with the selected files as command-line parameter. For example: BulkFileChanger. The change is made according to the last settings stored in the.

You can choose to load another. If you specify 0, BulkFileChanger will not scan the subfolders. This command-line option is very powerful, so you should use it carefully. It's recommended to test it with a single small folder to check that it works as expected before running it on a full drive Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor.

Translate all string entries to the desired language. After you finish the translation, Run BulkFileChanger, and all translated strings will be loaded from the language file. If you want to run BulkFileChanger without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move it to another folder. License This utility is released as freeware.

You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this.

If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without any modification! Disclaimer The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. Feedback If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility, you can send a message to nirsofer yahoo.

Nabi KaramAliZadeh.


  1. Most people can eliminate the traces within a few weeks, but there are cases where it could take 90-120 days or more. This timeline is more common with heavy chronic users. If you alter your lifestyle by exercising more and sticking to healthy eating habits, you could speed up the expected timeline until the drugs are completely flushed from your system. Working out, cardiovascular exercise especially could help you beat a drug test in a shorter amount of time.Are you freaking out just because you have had this job for a while and done well enough to earn the title of "best employee"? Then one fine day, your boss surprises you with a hair follicle drug test. You are likely saying to yourself, "I'm screwed".

  2. The price is 2926, source.Put your clippers down and read this article before you regret buzzing off your locks gratuitously when there are several other ways to pass through that dreaded hair follicle drug test. If you’re looking for an answer on how to pass a hair follicle drug test, you’ve come to the right place. One reason for the recent popularity of this type of test is its large detection window. That’s right, drug metabolites can stay in your hair for up to 90 days after consumption. Recreational purposes aside, many people who have been using marijuana for a long time can’t just go cold turkey for three consecutive months; the withdrawal effects make it very challenging to abstain, too. In such dire conditions, people tend to make rash decisions that are not fruitful in the end. For this reason, we have gathered all the information you need to pass that upcoming drug test. Fortunately, you won’t have to shave your head before the not-so-anticipated date. You must have heard of various funny tales and myths about hair follicle drug tests. People take extreme measures to try to fool the professionals, but not many of these methods work. We have tried to bust a few myths so that you do not follow such absurdities. Coming to a hair follicle drug test with a bald head will surely sneak suspicions. You will most likely be under a cloud and asked to opt for a blood, nail, or urine test, and nothing will stop the examiners from asking you to come back as soon as the hair starts to regrow. Some people go to these extreme lengths of shaving their hair off for the hair follicle testing, thinking they made a smart move. In reality, they put themselves in hot water. Indeed, the testers cannot collect samples from a bald head, but they surely can collect hair follicles from other parts of your body. You and your bald head will feel dumber when we tell you that your body hair grows at a slower rate than that on your head. Hence why it can reveal drug consumption for way longer than any other drug test. Going blonde just a day before the hair follicle drug test is another way to alert their radar. You might think the testers will not distinguish your new fresh yellow head, but in most cases, legal individuals who recognize you are mostly present at the instance.


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